Creating cultures of peace in preK-12 learning spaces.
Experienced educator, coach, leader, collaborator, observer, guide and professional learning facilitator.
Peace & Justice Education (PJE) framework and implementation support grounded in research and rooted in culturally relevant pedagogy and trauma informed care.
Streamline and integrate strategic planning, school-wide goals and initiatives (academic standards, climate, equity, PBIS/PSWE - behavior, parent-family engagement, PD/PLC, MTSS, expectations, rituals/routines, social emotional learning and more).
Expertise in peace education, literacy, science of reading, social emotional learning, restorative practices, trauma informed care, culturally relevant pedagogy and English language development.
Customized Packages
Strategic Planning & Implementation
Integrate Peace & Justice Education (PJE) into school-wide strategic plan, goals, engagement, academics and initiatives.
Progress monitoring of school improvement efforts (implementation science and continuous cycles).
Needs assessment analysis and implementation support.
Coaching, Observation & Assessment
Empowering and holistic coaching cycles for leadership, educators and/or support staff that impacts ways of being, thinking and doing.
Walk-throughs, scripted observations (in-person or video), feedback and skill building.
Support with assessment, data analysis and implementation of best practices.
Professional Development & Learning
Professional development and learning with customized workshops, speaking, facilitation and training.
Modeling, co-teaching and professional learning community (PLC) leadership and collaboration.
Curriculum & Pacing
Evaluate, align and enhance educational pursuits, goals and standards.
Guide and monitor pacing and implementation across content areas (including tech/media integration).
Collaborate on new and revised curricula for increased engagement and effectiveness.
Experiences & Feedback
Professional Learning
Thoughtfully and skillfully designed and delivered to support the creation of just cultures of peace in preK-12 learning environments.
Let’s collaborate on how to begin or deepen your peace and justice education implementation!
“Julie is an expert at designing and delivering engaging and relevant professional development! She is forward thinking, innovative and bold in her content while making it 100% accessible to all learners.” — Pam Ryan, Better Together Cubed