All of The Peace Pad’s offerings align with peace action(s).
Seek Peace Within Yourself and Others
Reach Out In Service
Protect Our Environment
Respect Diversity
Be a Responsible Citizen of the World
The Five Peace Actions were developed by the organization World Citizen Peace, who seek to empower people to create a just and peaceful world. WCP invites us all to live in alignment with the peace actions and to consider becoming an international peace site and/or ambassador.
We are Peace Ambassadors with WCP.
Peace is complex and we all have our own experience and journey with what seeking and living in peace looks, sounds and feels like.
There are so many ways to reach out in service that will bring you joy and fulfillment. The key is matching your passion to your service.
Protecting our environment means that human life is in balance and living in harmony with nature and its resources, which in return provides for sustainable life on this planet.
Respecting diversity is essential in seeking peace. Diversity is an asset and a process of seeking out opportunities to learn from cultures, genders and peoples of all backgrounds.
Being a responsible citizen means finding your voice, speaking and/or showing up and advocating for a peaceful and just world.